One Year Blogging Anniversary!


I am completely speechless from all the milestones I’ve been reaching this week! First, I got 100 FOLLOWERS! 😱 This is crazy and still so difficult to wrap my head around!

Today also marks the one year anniversary of my blog – A WHOLE YEAR! My first post was my Holiday Playlist, and I remember being super excited about it.

Actually, that wasn’t exactly my very first post.. When I first created my blog, I had a post on my trip to Venice! A couple months later I wasn’t too fond of that post, and decided to completely restart. So, I deleted that post and made a few new travel posts. These only had pictures in them (because I was too lazy to actually right about my trip 😂). After that, I neglected my blog for a while until I started over yet again! This was my Holiday Playlist, and marked the start of giraffeview!

I still can’t believe I got to 100 followers 😅 I’m so thankful for all of you that read my posts and hopefully my blog can continue to grow even more over the years.

Thank you so much for reading! Happy late Thanksgiving and I hope you have a great Black Friday! I’ll see you in my next post 😊

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