New Updates + Poll


So, I’ve added a few new little bits to my blog and homepage, and I really wanted to talk about them in a post!

The first thing that I added are these drop-down categories where you can see all of my posts under a certain topic. I thought this was a great way to have a more organized layout for anyone who wants to read a certain type of post, and it’s really helpful for me as well. 😉

For example, if you want to read my travel posts, just hover over the “Travel” category at the top of the screen and a list will come up, where you can choose a country, and then a post related to that country. (I think it’s super convenient and awesome. I’ve literally been playing with it all day.)

The next thing that I added is Google Translate at the bottom. If you scroll all the way down, right by Archives and Calendar, then you will see a little button where you can transform my blog into the language of your choice! I don’t know how I hadn’t discovered this before but I’m soooo glad that I added it because I’m really excited to be able to connect with people all over the world!

Most of you don’t know, but I can speak/read/write in Armenian and it was crazy for me to see my entire blog be written in Armenian!

To conclude this post, I added a poll at the bottom, just to have an idea of how many of my readers can speak a second, or even a third language! And make sure to comment which language (maybe even in that language.. that would be amazing)

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