Sweet 16 | Decorations & Ideas

You or someone you know might be having a Sweet 16 soon and, of course, you want it to be perfect. So, here are a few ideas that might help you out!

Balloons & Balloons & Balloons

Balloons can make a party look 10x better and they look amazing in photos, so they’re definitely crucial in the party planning.

  1. Pick a color theme. For this party, we did a gold/grey/rose gold theme.
  2. Decide how many balloons you want, what kind of balloons, and where you want to put them. (Sounds a bit overwhelming, but I promise it’s easier than it sounds!)

Of course, we had to get the “16” balloons, and we decided to go with rose gold. Then, we got 3 types of regular balloons: grey/silver, gold, and clear with confetti. The clear ones with the confetti were definitely my favorites – they looked super simple and classy!

We just bunched up the balloons in different areas of the backyard (where the party was). They add more color and life to the party, so the more the better!

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*We got all of our balloons from Party City.

Fairy Lights

Our party was outside, so fairly lights and candles were all over the place! It’s honestly like killing two birds with one stone – they bring in light and look amazing at the same time!

If you’re having an outdoor party during the night, I highlyyy recommend these!

*Here’s a link to fairy lights from Amazon.

“Happy Birthday” Signs & Decorations

These are pretty simple but I feel like they add to the mood of the party – if that makes sense haha

We used a gold sign that just says “happy birthday” and hung it up on the wall along with some other colorful decorations! These were just small things that we put on the wall for everyone to see as they came in. A little goes a long way!

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*The sign and decorations were both from Marshall’s.

Dessert & Candy

Okay, let’s be real. The dessert is definitely one of the best parts of any party. The only tips I have are: stick with the color theme and use glass jars for candy to show off the colors!

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And the most important of all, have a great time! 

That’s all for this post! Thank you so much for reading and I hope I could give you some good party ideas! If you enjoyed, don’t forget to like and comment how your Sweet 16 was/is!



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