My Iced Coffee Recipe (for lazy people)

Hello everyone and I hope you're all having an amazing week so far! I usually post at 11 am (pacific time), but today I'm posting at a pretty random time so let's just ignore that hehe Yesterday afternoon, as I was passionately sipping my iced coffee while frantically finishing my math homework, I anxiously pondered …

Hot Chocolate | Simple & Easy

Hello everyone! Today's post is all about how I make my hot chocolate on a lazy day. Since the weather has been cooling down, hot chocolate is one of my favorite drinks to make, especially since it's so simple! First, obviously, you need a mug! I use this mug from Starbucks, but I don't actually …

Brunch Snack 

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! 🎉 In today’s post, I’m going to be showing you one of my favorite brunch-time snacks. I don’t really want to call it a tutorial, since it’s super simple, but I thought it would be nice to share this snack that I really enjoy making for myself.  All you need is …

Thanksgiving Recipe

I finally decided to do a recipe post! 😀 These little turkeys are perfect for Thanksgiving! Ingredients: Plain vanilla cupcakes, white frosting, chocolate frosting, double-stuffed Oreo's, a pack of Junior Mints, and a pack of Mike and Ike's. First, you need a plain vanilla cupcake: you can get the mix at your local grocery store. …